Worlds 2017: Major Teams Ready to Dominate Play-In Stage
The 2017 League of Legends World Championship kicks off with its play-in stage, featuring an exciting opening day of matches on September 23rd starting at 1:00 AM ET.

C9 fans cheer with sign
Day 1 Match Schedule:
- Team WE (LPL) vs Lyon Gaming (LLN)
- Cloud9 (NA LCS) vs Team oNe (CBLoL)
- Gambit Esports vs Lyon Gaming
- Cloud9 vs Dire Wolves (OPL)
- Gambit Esports vs Team WE
- Dire Wolves vs Team oNe
Key Teams to Watch:
- Team WE and Cloud9: Major region representatives looking to prove themselves
- Gambit Esports: Features veterans from last year's successful Albus NoX Luna squad
- Lyon Gaming: Potential dark horse known for impressive teamfighting around objectives
Notable Storylines:
- Team WE and Cloud9 seek redemption after missing direct group stage qualification
- Gambit aims to continue CIS region's success from previous Worlds
- Wildcard teams have chance to make history against major region opponents
The play-in stage serves as both a challenge and opportunity for established teams while giving emerging regions a chance to compete on the global stage.
[Images maintained as in original article]
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